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    • Zuckerberg 相爱相杀双胞胎 Winklevoss Bros 叫板 Meta,首轮融资4亿美元打造元宇宙空间站

      Zuckerberg 相爱相杀双胞胎 Winklevoss Bros 叫板 Meta,首轮融资4亿美元打造元宇宙空间站

      Zuckerberg 相爱相杀双胞胎 Winklevoss Bros 叫板 Meta,首轮融资4亿美元打造元宇宙空间站

      Zuckerberg 相爱相杀双胞胎 Winklevoss Bros 叫板 Meta,首轮融资4亿美元打造元宇宙空间站

      Zuckerberg 相爱相杀双胞胎 Winklevoss Bros 叫板 Meta,首轮融资4亿美元打造元宇宙空间站

      Behold the Winklevii::2021年3月“双子座”空间站的卡梅伦和泰勒·文克莱沃斯。迈克尔·普林斯《福布斯》

      Behold the Winklevii: Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss of “Gemini” Space Station in March 2021.Michael Prince for Forbes

      七年时间里,Tyler和Cameron Winklevoss从口袋里掏空了他们的加密货币帝国Gemini,现在他们正签署资本第一轮的最后一份文件,这是一笔4亿美元的投资,对纽约的母公司Gemini空间站有限责任公司的估值为71亿美元。如果这对双胞胎和Facebook首席执行官马克扎克伯格之间史诗般的竞争是龟兔赛跑,那么现在看来,势头开始发生转变。


      这次投资由资本管理巨头摩根溪数字公司(Morgan Creek Digital)牵头,并有分散的金融风险投资公司ParaFi capital等公司的参与,为这对双胞胎和他们的主要竞争对手扎克伯格(Zuckerberg)之间最终摊牌奠定基础,还包括所谓的“围墙花园”(围墙花园:是一个控制用户对应用、网页和服务进行访问的环境。把用户限制在一个特定范围内,只允许用户访问或享受指定的内容、应用或服务,禁止或限制用户访问或享受其他未被允许的。注释来源:百度百科),像Facebook这样的公司拥有用户数据并从中获利,以及免费、开源的未来。

      After seven years of funding their Gemini cryptocurrency empire out of pocket, Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss are in the process of signing the last documents on their first round of capital, a $400 million investment that values the New York parent company, Gemini Space Station, LLC, at $7.1 billion. If the epic competition between the twins and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is a tortoise vs. hare scenario, now is starting to look like the moment momentum shifts.
      The brothers are expected to retain 75% ownership in the company after the investment, and their combined net wealth will nearly double from $6 billion in April to $10 billion today.
      Led by capital management giant Morgan Creek Digital, with participation from decentralized finance venture firm ParaFi Capital, and others, the investment sets the stage for a possible final showdown between more than just the twins and their archrival, Zuckerberg, but between the very idea of so-called Walled Gardens, where companies like Facebook own and profit from user data, and a free, open-source future.

      从上个月开始为冲突做准备,数十个区块链初创公司募集总额超过40亿美元,削弱这些围墙花园的外部防御通过构建一个虚拟的,全息,增强现实版的网络,称为元宇宙Metaverse。任何人都可以构建(并盈利),而Facebook,Epic Games和其他大型科技巨头准备发起反击,以确保数十亿人继续为公司股东创造价值。

      “就目前的技术而言,有两条平行的道路,”40岁的卡梅伦·文克莱沃斯(Cameron Winklevoss)在加州的家里说。“就像Facebook或《堡垒之夜》,这是一条中心化的道路,它离元宇宙只有一步之遥,这完全没问题。但还有另一条路,那就是去中心化的元宇宙,在这个元宇宙中,我们相信有更大的选择、独立和机会,还有保护个人权利与尊严的技术。”

      这次D轮融资中,总部位于纽约的Morgan Creek贡献了7,500万美元,普通合伙人Sachin Jaitly成为Gemini董事会第三位成员。其他董事会成员是泰勒和卡梅隆。预计将参与此次加密货币史上第四大融资的其他投资者、包括说唱歌手和大亨Jay-Z的Marcy Venture Partners、迪士尼前董事长杰弗里·卡森伯格的WnderCo、澳大利亚联邦银行、私募股权公司10T、家族理财顾问Newflow Partners、以及United Talent Agency、Jane Street、K5 Global、Pantera、VanEck和BoostVC等公司。

      Setting the stage for the clash, last month dozens of blockchain startups raised a total of more than $4 billion to chip away at the exterior defenses of these Walled Gardens by building a virtual, holographic, augmented reality version of the internet, called the metaverse, that anyone can build on (and monetize) while Facebook, Epic Games and other Big Tech giants prepare a counterattack to ensure that the billions of people already creating value for their firms’ shareholders continue to do so.
      “There’s these two parallel paths, in terms of technology right now,” says Cameron Winklevoss, 40, speaking from his home in California. “There’s a centralized path, like Facebook or Fortnite, that is one step away from being a metaverse, and that’s totally fine. But there is another path, which is the decentralized metaverse and that’s the metaverse where we believe there’s greater choice, independence and opportunity, and there is technology that protects the rights and dignity of individuals.”
      As part of the capital raise that roughly equates to a Series D, New York-based Morgan Creek contributed $75 million and general partner Sachin Jaitly became the third member of Gemini’s board of directors. The other board members are Tyler and Cameron. Other investors expected to participate in what would be the fourth-largest capital raise in crypto history include rapper and tycoon Jay-Z’s Marcy Venture Partners, former Disney chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg’s WnderCo, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, private equity firm 10T, family office advisory Newflow Partners, as well as United Talent Agency, Jane Street, K5 Global, Pantera, VanEck and BoostVC, among others.

      这已经不是两兄弟第一次和扎克伯格较量了。这对2008年奥运会赛艇选手在康涅狄格州的格林威治长大,2010年哥伦比亚电影公司(Columbia Pictures)发行了大卫芬奇(David Fincher)执导的电影《社交网络》(the Social Network),讲述了他们如何雇佣学生时期的马克扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)为大学生建立一个社交网络的故事,他们都因此一举成名。经过一场旷日持久的法律战,主要集中在谁是Facebook的创始人这个问题上,兄弟俩在2011年和解,得到了当时看来微不足道的6,500万美元的Facebook股票和现金。2013年,他们花了大约1100万美元购买了当时估计占现有比特币总量1%的比特币。在被称为加密货币“狂野西部”(Wild West)的领域,他们将激情投入到新发现的一家有牌照的交易所,吸引遵守法律条文的合格的机构投资者,使自己脱颖而出。



      This is not the first time the brothers have dueled with Zuckerberg. Raised in Greenwich, Connecticut, the 2008 Olympic rowers skyrocketed to fame in 2010, when Columbia Pictures released The Social Network, a film by David Fincher, telling the story of how they hired classmate Mark Zuckerberg to build a social network for university students. After a protracted legal battle that largely focused on the question of who founded Facebook, the brothers settled in 2011 for what at the time seemed like a paltry $65 million in Facebook stock and cash. In 2013, they spent about $11 million to buy what at the time was estimated to be 1% of all bitcoin in existence. Parlaying their newfound passion into a licensed exchange in what has become known as the Wild West of cryptocurrency, they distinguished themselves by luring accredited and institutional investors looking to follow the letter of the law.
      Seven years later, New York-based Gemini’s annual revenue has increased 600% since last year and a company spokesperson says it is on track to be profitable by the end of this year. While they are not sharing the actual revenue numbers, they say the largest segment comes from the Gemini cryptocurrency exchange, which charges active traders 0.6% for transactions less than $500,000, and less for larger amounts; 0.4% on $30 billion in assets under custody, and an average of about a 1% fee to borrow 40 different cryptocurrencies, among other sources. Cameron says the 600-person firm with offices in London and Singapore will have 1,000 employees by next year.
      This is where history starts to repeat itself. In a seeming slight to the brothers’ astrologically named firm, their former employee at Harvard, Zuckerberg, launched Libra, his own attempt to capitalize on bitcoin’s underlying blockchain technology in 2019. A consortium of potential cryptocurrency users, including MasterCard, PayPal, Stripe and Visa, briefly committed to building technology that would peg the libra cryptocurrency to a baset of national currencies, including the U.S. dollar and the British pound. Shortly after the announcement, however, the group largely disbanded, following U.S. lawmakers’ apprehension over the initiative led by a firm that so controversially sold influence over its users’ behavior.

      在扎克伯格推出Libra几个月后,泰勒和卡梅伦再次开辟了一条注定会被“围城花园”主要人物追随的道路。在故事的第三幕中(2019年11月帷幕升起),兄弟俩购买了不可替代代币(NFT)交易所Nifty Gateway,这是一个当时几乎不为人知的资产市场,这些资产现在成为了帮助形成元宇宙的构建块基石,否则就很容易复制数字对象。数据网站NonFungible.com的数据显示,自收购以来,该行业在30天内的交易量还不到200万美元,但在9月份的30天内,交易量已飙升至37亿美元的高点,如今已达到18亿美元。



      Months after Zuckerberg launched Libra, Tyler and Cameron again blazed a trail destined to be followed by the Walled Garden kingpin. In Act 3 of the story, on which the curtain rose in November 2019, the brothers bought non-fungible token (NFT) exchange Nifty Gateway, a marketplace for the then nearly unknown assets that now form the building blocks of the metaverse by helping value accumulate to otherwise easily copied digital objects. Since the acquisition, when the industry was conducting fewer than $2 million in volume over a 30-day period, according to data site, NonFungible.com, it has exploded to a high of $3.7 billion over 30 days in September and $1.8 billion today.
      Ironically, for founders who claim to be building a world beyond Walled Gardens, Nifty follows a similar path to Gemini’s, which sought to build crypto investing services for compliant investors, by deeply vetting the NFT creators allowed on-site. “Decentralization is a spectrum,” says Cameron. “We want to continue to move down the spectrum toward empowerment. But you have to start somewhere.” It turns out this philosophy is not without its risks.
      While the promise of trillions in institutional adoption continues to remain their North Star, less discerning exchanges, frequently with fewer licenses, are so far winning the day. Gemini is only the 11th-largest exchange in the world on data site CoinGecko, and among those exchanges, relative newcomer FTX just raised $900 million at an eclipsing $18 billion valuation. Similarly, Nifty doesn’t even appear on many lists of the largest NFT exchanges, because much of its $420 million in total volume is done off-chain, making it impossible for third parties to aggregate—more like the discretion of Sotheby’s than the openness of eBay.

      除了通过Winklevoss Capital进行的个人投资,新成立的Gemini Frontier Fund的投资组合中有一半以上是与这个新兴领域相关的公司,另外还有3,500万美元的资金用于未来投资。他们已经购买了新加坡的Alethea AI公司和佛罗里达州Recur公司的股份;位于布拉格的元宇宙创业公司Somnium Space;以及元宇宙的早期版本“沙盒”(SAND),由总部位于香港的Animoca Brands投资22亿美元打造。从10月27日到11月18日,SAND的价格上涨了413%,达到3.94美元。

      作为The Sandbox交易的一部分,兄弟俩还购买了一块虚拟土地,他们希望在那里建立第一个虚拟地点,类似于一个三维网站。泰勒说:“我们不是在实体空间建立实体银行分行,而是在不同元空间建立一个Gemini体验,你可以进入Gemini进行交易,但这将是身临其境的体验,而不是在手机上。”


      In addition to personal investments in the metaverse through Winklevoss Capital, more than half the newly launched Gemini Frontier Fund’s portfolio consists of firms related to the burgeoning space and an additional $35 million is set aside from the capital raise for future investments. Already, they’ve bought stakes in NFT firms Alethea AI, based in Singapore, and Recur, in Florida; Prague-based metaverse startup Somnium Space; and, in an early version of the metaverse, The Sandbox (SAND), being built by $2.2 billion Hong Kong-based Animoca Brands. Between October 27 and November 18 the price of SAND increased 413% to $3.94.
      As part of The Sandbox deal the brothers also bought a plot of virtual land where they hope to build the first of many virtual locations, similar to a website but in three dimensions. “Instead of building brick-and-mortar bank branches in meatspace,” says Tyler, using the slang for the real world where we actually live, “we’re gonna build a Gemini experience in different metaverses, where you can go into Gemini and trade, but it would be immersive instead of on your phone.”
      Instead of the ad-driven model that has proved so lucrative to social media companies (and fertile for misinformation and political influence), most metaverses will require tiny amounts of cryptocurrency, similar to “gas” used to run other decentralized applications. While revenue models will certainly proliferate, the more demand there is for these tokens, the higher the price, increasing the value of the very same currency the users now own and letting the wealth accumulate to users instead of shareholders.

      因为这些网络货币以固定速度增长,而资产,比如一双新的数字鞋、一把燃烧的剑或一个人的化身,可以在公开、透明的区块链上被跟踪并作为不可替代的代币发行,用户越来越确信他们的数字财产市场不会泛滥,他们也可以自由地把nfc带到其他地方。区块链早期的竞争对手包括在以太坊上运行的Decentraland和The Sandbox;在EOS区块链上运行的Upland;和Victoria VR,预计将很快在以太坊上推出,并以他们自己的区块链设计为中心。

      如果这一切听起来有点像科幻小说,那么我们应该记住,除了最近几个月的数十亿美元融资之外,现有的大型多人在线游戏(MMOG)行业中经过验证的领导者也正在转向元宇宙。也许最值得注意的是,位于北卡罗来纳州的Epic Games已经证明了一种类似的商业模式,即通过出售其中央发行的v-bucks数字货币来购买游戏中的配件和武器。今年4月,Epic首席执行官蒂姆斯威尼(Tim Sweeney)透露了10亿美元的融资计划,旨在向元宇宙领域扩张。根据行业分析网站StrategyR的数据,到2027年,MMOG行业规模将达到557亿美元。Sweeney在最近的一份报告中称,Metaverse领域将带来“数万亿”美元的机遇。


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